Thursday, 10 October 2013

Just Released - 2013 [Ep.38]


“Come in here, dear boy, have a cigar,
 You’re gonna go far…”

                       “Have A Cigar” [Pink Floyd 1975]

There’s more than a little irony in those words. On Pink Floyd’s 1975 album, ‘Wish You Were Here’ those words weren’t sung by Roger Waters, as many still might assume. That song, about “riding the gravy train” of Pop stardom was sung by a friend of the band named Roy Harper. Part of the irony is that, in spite of being one of the most “influential” figures in British Rock, Roy Harper has eked out his own career in the shadows of its periphery. At age 72, Roy Harper is unbowed and now presents us with a new album of his progressive Folk Rock, aptly titled ‘Man & Myth’.

Another septuagenarian spotted on the Comeback Trail this week was American singer/songwriter, Garland Jeffreys with his just released album, ‘Truth Serum’. Jeffreys made his biggest mark back in ’77 with the album, ‘Ghost Writer’ but like Roy Harper, is known by his status as a cult artist.

There’s plenty of the new breed to be heard in this edition including the debut album by Melbourne quartet, World’s End Press (touring in November/December) and Melbourne band, Jimmy Tait (making their Sydney debut later this month with Americana sensation, Caitlin Rose).  Meanwhile, three of Australia’s acclaimed singer/songwriters: Mia Dyson, Liz Stringer and Jen Cloher are also touring heavily, October through December. You’ll hear new songs from Mia and Liz in this edition.

And on the JR Radar, we pick up on London Pop trio, Bear’s Den, touring Australia this month with their just released EP, ‘Without/Within’’.

It may have been 40 years ago when Sopwith Camel released their sublime hippie masterpiece, ‘The Miraculous Hump Returns From The Moon’ but it’s influence can still be felt today. American singer/songwriter and multi-instrumentalist, Jonathan Wilson was all of one year old when that record came out and he includes his own version of its opening track, “Fazon” on his just released 2nd album, ‘Fanfare’ – a definite highlight of this week’s edition. (Headphones are recommended to pick up every sonic nuance.)
World’s End Press: “My Salvation” (from the album, ‘World’s End Press’)
Jordie Lane: “Here She Comes” (from the EP, ‘Not Built To Last’)
Bear’s Den: “Writing On The Wall" (preview from the EP, ‘Without/Within’)
Mia Dyson: “Crazy Horse” (from the ‘Dyson Stringer Cloher 2013 Tour EP’)
Liz Stringer: “You Change Me” (from the ‘Dyson Stringer Cloher 2013 Tour EP’)
Garland Jeffreys: “Any Rain”/”Dragons To Slay” (from the album, ‘Truth Serum’)
Jimmy Tait: “All My Friends” (from the album, ‘Golden’)
Caitlin Rose: “Only A Clown” (from the album, ‘The Stand-In’)
Roy Harper: “Time Is Temporary” (from the album, ‘Man & Myth’)
Jonathan Wilson: “Fazon” (from the album, ‘Fanfare’)

Note: Subject to Daylight Saving, some broadcast times have now changed. 

Just Released is heard Saturdays at 12pm and Sundays at 3pm (AEDT or AEST) on ABC Digital Radio in Brisbane, Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne, Adelaide and Perth, and via the streams of our metropolitan stations on the Gold Coast, in Newcastle, Hobart and Darwin.  
You can also listen to JR during the week on ABC Dig Music Mondays @ 1pm, Wednesdays @ 7pm & Thursdays @ 10am (AEDT or AEST) and on Radio Australia throughout Asia & the Pacific.
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       {](-_-)[}            Thanks for listening.

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